
Saturday, 25 August 2012

Some More Girls in Wartime

By request, here are some more of the pages from 'Our Girls in Wartime,' with rhymes by Hampden Gordon accompanying pictures by Joyce Dennys.

Pansy ran a Knitting Party.
Oh! the things they knat.
Pansy's meetings never ended
And results were simply splendid,
I can swear to that,
Since for weeks we used the socks she sent
To take the place of wire entanglement.


Lizzie labours on the Land.
What she does I understand,
Is to make the cattle dizzy
Running round ....
....Admiring Lizzie


Auntie Fannie ran a can-
-teen for travel-tired Tommies.
Such a feast they hadn't seen
While they sojourned where the Somme is.
Lovely ladies ladled soup
Fit for any Trocadero's.
Eggs and bacon looped the loop
Down the throats of hungry heroes;
You'd have thought no mortal man
Could get through so much-some can!
'Some' Canteen!


Cordelia is a Constable
Of cunning and resource.
She runs in lots of worthy folk
Without the least remorse.
If you should show a chink of light
While getting into bed
She rushes in and takes you name
And OH the things I've said!
I HATE Cordelia!


Diana is a huntress born
On horses desperately keen
Who did her riding with the Quorn.
She's donned a most becoming kit
(Look at her gaiters, how they fit)
And now she is the Remount Queen ....
I think perhaps I ought to mention
The horses do get SOME attention.


A cheeky boy it used to be
Who brought the wire telling me
That the horse I fancied most
Fainted at the starting post.
Now it is the Perky Pam
Who brings the fatal telegram
Thoughtfully instructing you
"Embark tonight for Timbuctoo"


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