
Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Not quite the finale!

To everyone who has contacted me about the closure of the blog, thank you, but ...  it's not going to be deleted, just put into hibernation. The content will stay.  I'll continue to concentrate on my two websites which will carry on as usual and grow.  So information about British Military Nurses can still be found on:

Scarletfinders - for a whole range of information and transcriptions of original documents including the complete war diary of the Matron-in-Chief in France and Flanders and advice on how to start your own research.

The Fairest Force - for nuts and bolts information about British military nurses, concentrating on France and Flanders, but applicable to other areas as well. Basic details of pay, conditions, living arrangements, joining, leaving, relaxing ...

But no myth or fantasy, only firm facts and common sense!


1 comment:

  1. Enhorabuena por su trabajo. Además de parecerme muy interesante, me servirá de gran ayuda en el trabajo que estoy preparando sobre la mujer durante la primera guerra mundial a través de la literatura (en concreto, en la novela.) Con el fin de contribuir a que la gente se interese por las mujeres durante la guerra, tengo un blog, muy diferente al suyo, ya que es meramente divulgativo: Enhorabuena, de nuevo, Un saludo, Javier Díez.
